Consequential injuries are injuries that occur because of an event or other injury. For example, if you fall off your bike and break your arm, you may become anxious about riding a bike. That anxiety is a direct result of your initial accident and thus a consequential injury.
Consequential injuries happen to many people after they’re injured. Common kinds of consequential injuries include depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder. Consequential injuries also include other injuries that result from the initial injury. For instance, if you are on crutches from a workplace injury and fall, the resulting injuries from the fall are also considered to be consequential injuries and may be covered by workers’ compensation.
Why do consequential injuries happen?
It’s possible to develop several conditions as a result of an initial injury. The reason is simple cause and effect. For example, if you are paralyzed as a result of a workplace injury and become depressed because you’re unable to participate in a sport you love, that depression is a direct consequence of your paralysis and workplace injury. Every injury has the potential to cause further injuries. Not all consequential injuries require medical care, but those that do should be covered by the individuals’ workers’ compensation coverage.
Consequential injuries don’t necessarily happen immediately after the first injury. They could happen weeks later when you trip or pass out because of an injury, or they could result years later following a permanent injury. In every case involving a consequential injury, it’s your right to pursue workers’ compensation to help you cover the costs associated with those injuries. Consequences of a workplace accident aren’t restricted to your immediate injuries, which is something to keep in mind when you make a claim. If a claim for a consequential injury is denied, you have a right to appeal that decision.