More Than 20 Years Of Experience Standing Up For Minnesota Workers

Are you worried about a workers’ compensation denial?

On Behalf of | Aug 16, 2018 | Workers' Compensation |

If you are injured on the job, you may immediately assume you can file a claim for workers’ compensation benefits.

While you have the right to do so, there is no guarantee of an approval. There’s always a chance your claim could be denied, which brings even more turmoil to your life.

There are several common reasons for a workers’ compensation denial, including the following:

  • You are unable to prove that you suffered the injury at work
  • You did not file a claim in time
  • You did not report the injury in time
  • Your employer disputes the claim for some reason
  • You did not receive medical treatment after the accident
  • You suffered a noncompensable injury

Fortunately, you have full control over most of these things. For example, you can quickly receive medical care and file a claim. Just the same, it’s not too difficult to report the accident and injury to your employer.

If you receive a workers’ compensation denial letter, you’ll probably want to appeal the decision. This is better than missing out on money that is owed to you.

The letter itself will explain the appeal process, including the steps you need to take and the timeline to follow.

Depending on the reason for the denial, you may find it simple to file an appeal and have the original ruling overturned. This doesn’t always happen, but it could work out this way.

Although appealing a workers’ compensation denial can be a long process, you shouldn’t back down if you know you’re entitled to benefits. You have rights as a worker, and you need to protect them during this difficult time.
