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Safety tips for professional painters – Part 1

On Behalf of | Oct 2, 2017 | Construction Worker Injuries, Workers' Compensation |

As a professional painter in St. Paul, you may think that your job is not overly dangerous. However, it only takes one uncovered keyhole in the door to a furnace and a paint sprayer to cause an explosion. Like with any job, painting comes with its own unique set of hazards.

Since staying safe on the job is important, taking certain precautions is a must. Below are some safety tips for professional painters.

Ladder use

Before you climb up a ladder, take the time to inspect it for loose rungs, debris and anything else that could cause you to slip and fall while on it. If you are using an extension ladder, adhere to the “four contact” rule. This means that the top of both rails should be making sufficient contact with the walls and that both legs are steady on the floor. In addition, always stay at the third-highest rung or lower and make sure you extend the ladder to at least three feet above the highest level you plan to stand on. In order to keep extension ladders in place, cover the tops with foam or cloth.

Sprayers and washers

When you are using power washers, sprayers or sanders, it is vital that you operate them according to the manufacturer specifications. With sprayers and washers, you are using a tool that operates with very high pressure which makes them dangerous when you are working with them. Be sure you never point a sprayer or washer at a person or animal and be sure you do not leave such equipment where children might come into contact with it.

In addition to proper operating procedures, you should be wearing the right type of protective clothing when using a power sprayer. Wear long-sleeved shirts, pants and gloves to keep yourself safe and avoid injuries due to unintentional contact with the trigger.


When you are using an oil-based paint or some other solvent-based substance, be sure that there are no flames present. This includes pilot lights and even cigarettes. In addition, wear rubber gloves and be sure the area you are working in is well ventilated. Also, avoid mixing different products together, such as paint thinner, oil-based paint, and paint remover, since this can cause toxic fumes to release into the air.

When working with paint, either for an interior job or exterior job, it is important to take certain safety precautions in order to stay safe. From wearing the proper gear to following manufacturer instructions when operating washers and sprayers, you can take the necessary steps to reduce your chances of suffering a work-related injury.
