If you work for FedEx or UPS as a delivery person, you need to make sure that you’re careful when lifting objects. Maybe when you were young it was easy to lift heavy objects without thinking, but the older we get, the more prone to suffering back injuries we become.
One wrong move and you could be in serious back trouble that leaves you unable to work for months — or longer. For this reason, it’s important to practice safe lifting techniques.
How to lift objects safely when you’re a delivery person
UPS and FedEx employees can save their backs and prevent serious health problems by following these safe lifting safety tips. These tips are designed to avoid the unnecessary compression of your spine:
- Spread your legs wide. Before you start to lift a heavy object take a wide stance. Makes sure that your feet are more than shoulder-width apart from one another. Also, put one of your feet slightly in front of the other.
- Bend only your hips and knees. When you squat down, keep your back straight and, if required, you can put one knee to the ground in a half-kneeling position.
- Maintain your posture. Look ahead of you with your back straight, your chest out and your shoulders back. Slightly arch your lower back.
- Lift it slowly. As you straighten out your knees and hips to lift the object, don’t lift it with your back muscles. Take the load slowly up with your hips and knees and avoid twisting.
- Keep it close. Make sure that what you’re lifting is as close to your body as possible and hold it at belly button level.
- Take small steps. By taking small steps, you can maneuver the object as safely as possible.
- Lead with your hips. If you need to change directions while walking, lead the motion with your hips and keep your shoulders lined up with the hips.
- Be careful when you put it down. When it’s time to put the object back down, do it slowly by bending your knees and hips in the opposite way that you lifted it up.
Did you suffer a lifting injury at work?
When you suffer a lifting injury at work, you’ll want want to investigate your legal rights and options to get money to pay for medical care. You’ll particularly want to know your rights under Minnesota’s workers’ compensation laws system, which can provide you with important medical benefits and even wage replacement benefits in some cases.