More Than 20 Years Of Experience Standing Up For Minnesota Workers

Using ladders in a safe manner in workplaces

On Behalf of | Apr 18, 2017 | Construction Worker Injuries, Workplace Safety |

When Minnesota workers need to get to something high up, they will probably go find a stepladder. While opting for a ladder is safer than standing on a chair or a desk in an effort to get to something high off the ground, people should be aware that using a stepladder can be risky if it isn’t in good condition or the right one for the job.

The Canadian Center for Occupational Health and Safety has created a list of things that people should do when using a ladder to ensure their safety. These include making sure that the ladder is no more than three feet shorter than the place that someone needs to reach and that the ladder being used can support someone’s weight.

Before using a ladder, individuals should do a visual inspection of it. This includes checking for missing bolts or brackets and ensuring that there are no cracks on the steps. People should also feel that the ladder is sturdy and not shaky when they step onto it.

Even if a company and its employees follow all workplace safety protocols, accidents can still happen. When people are injured at work, they may be eligible to collect workers’ compensation benefits. These benefits can include the payment or reimbursement of medical expenses as well as in some cases partial wage replacement when the employer is unable to return to work, and in most cases they are available regardless of fault. An attorney can often help to ensure that the required claim contains all necessary information and that it is filed in a timely manner.
